Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sights of Sodor - The Mountainside

This week on the Island of Sodor, we journey up the line to see the track running along the mountainside! Watch as Peter Sam tries to figure out what to do after a landslide by checking out the latest video!

What do you think? Did I do a good job at remaking this set from the TV series?

In the TV series the mountainside is an enormous set depicting a huge mountain with a tiny ledge for the narrow gauge track to run around. It was here that Rusty and Harold had their chats. I did not have the space to make something of the same size, but I tried to recreate it the best I could by using camera angles. The mountainside was made by putting a bunch of giant rocks I found together and running the flexi track across it.

Watch video: Click Here!

Do you like the mountainside? Should I use it in more episodes? Let us know by commenting down below or in the YouTube comments section. I always appreciate feedback from my fans.

Come back next Wednesday to see another amazing location on Sodor!