Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Full Episode Mavis & the Trucks

This week on the Island of Sodor, Mavis is sent away to work on Duck's branchline, The Little Western, until blasting is over at the quarry. When Mavis returns she finds exciting new areas of the quarry to explore, but the troublesome trucks enjoyed their break. Will Mavis be able to handle the trucks or will the trucks get the better of her?

This episode and several others from Season 2 were filmed alongside Season 1. You will notice the difference in quality, especially the 4:3 aspect ratio (square) vs. the 16:9 aspect ratio. (rectangle)

Watch video: Click Here!

In season 1 Mavis never really got the spotlight all to herself. In Haunted Jobs, she shared the spotlight with the other engines tell her about the haunted jobs. In Diesel Danger, she was a side character next to Percy. I wanted to give Mavis an episode all to herself and be about the quarry. So this is what I came up with.
Hope you enjoy this new adventure! Come back next Wednesday for more adventures from the Island of Sodor!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

SNEAK PEEK! Mavis & the Trucks

This week we have a sneak peak of our upcoming episode Mavis & the Trucks! To check out the sneak peak click the link below!

Watch video: Click Here!

In the next episode, Mavis is sent away to work on Duck's branchline, The Little Western, until blasting is over at the quarry. When Mavis returns she finds exciting new areas of the quarry to explore, but the troublesome trucks enjoyed their break. Will Mavis be able to handle the trucks or will the trucks get the better of her?

Come back next Wednesday to watch the Full Episode!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Full Episode Quick as a Cat

This week on the Island of Sodor, Sir Handel begins to notice the station master's cat and becomes very interested about how fast it moves. The station master notices and tell Sir Handel that he is running late and will have to be 'as quick as a cat' to make up for lost time. Will Sir Handel be able to be as quick as a cat?

The inspiration for this episode came from my own cat named Pumpkin. I had her for almost 6 years when she got into a severe accident and I had to decide whether to put her down or let her live with a poor quality life. I put her down because she had fulfilled the measure of her creation and had joy therein. So this episode is in memory of her and the many memories we had together. It's amazing how an animal can be such a friend, yet you never get to fully communicate with them. This world is just full of amazing things.

Watch video: Click Here!

If you liked this episode or didn't like part of it be sure to comment down below or in the youtube comments section. I always appreciate feedback from my fans.

Hope you enjoy this new adventure! Come back next Wednesday for more adventures from the Island of Sodor!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

SNEAK PEEK! Old & Wise

This week we have a sneak peak of our upcoming episode Quick as a Cat! To check out the sneak peak click the link below!

Watch video: Click Here!

In the next episode, Sir Handel begins to notice the station master's cat and becomes very interested about how fast it moves. The station master notices and tell Sir Handel that he is running late and will have to be 'as quick as a cat' to make up for lost time. Will Sir Handel be able to be as quick as a cat?

Come back next Wednesday to watch the Full Episode!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Full Episode Terence Saves the Day

This week on the Island of Sodor, Thomas has been watching the way Gordon acts, being all big and important. Thomas decides that he wants to act important and go as fast as he wants. But there is a tree on the line. Will Terence be able to save Thomas from a disaster?

This episode and several others from Season 2 were filmed alongside Season 1. You will notice the difference in quality especially the 4:3 aspect ratio (square) vs. the 16:9 aspect ratio. (rectangle)

Watch video: Click Here!

When writing Season 2 I knew that I need more roadway characters to get some spotlight. This episode was for Terence, but more of the focus moved to Thomas, but that's ok because you might notice that Thomas isn't going to get a ridiculous amount of spotlight in Season 2.

Hope you enjoy this new adventure! Come back next Wednesday for more adventures from the Island of Sodor!