Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Upload: Episode 9 - Oliver's Mail Train

After a tale from Edward's branchline last week we are going to go to a different part of the island this week. This week we are pleased to release "Oliver's Mail Train" an all new originial story. This episode was filmed on 15 different sets with both day and night scenes. The story is mainly about Oliver and his life while trying to do Percy's work while he is away.

In this episode Percy hasn't been feelling well so Sir Topham Hatt asks Oliver if he would go do Percy's work in the yard and on Thomas' branchline. Oliver begrudgingly accepts and has to leave the Little Western for a while. He gets straight to work and is busy shunting and taking goods around the island. Oliver isn't too excited about all the work, but becomes really upset when he wants to go to sleep and instead has to pull the mail train. After a long night of work and barely any sleep Oliver and Duck want to figure a way to get Oliver back to the Little Western. Will their plan go too far?
In this episode there is reference made to "the time when Oliver went down the wrong track and ran into an old shed." This is from the 5th Season episode "Oliver's Find" When I originaly wrote this series and as I stated in previous posts that my series is written as if it's right after Season 4. I also stated earlier too that I wanted to include Season 5 because of the characters I could add to the series. This episode shows that it is one of the stories that takes place around the same time as Season 5. The events of "Oliver's Find" have already occured and there will be other times in my series where we mention something from Season 5 and it seems like a recent event. 
Hope enjoy this brand new episode and check back next Thursday to see Episode 10 "Haunted Jobs" which directly follows from this episode. Because now Mavis has to do Percy's jobs since Oliver and Percy are both at the works.
 Watch the episode below

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