Thursday, February 21, 2013

Upload: Episode 10 - Haunted Jobs

Hope you all enjoyed last week's adventure with Oliver because guess what! We get to find out what happens after Oliver leaves for the works. This week we are proud to release Episode 10 - Haunted Jobs. It focuses on Mavis the quarry diesel who has to now go do Percy's work since Oliver is now in the works, but superstion starts to get the best of the engines and may cause Mavis some problems.

This episode follows directly after Oliver's Mail Train and now with Oliver gone and in the works there are two engines away. This is a problem for Sir Topham Hatt trying to make sure that all the work gets done. He needs to make some cuts. He decides that the other engines can help out at the quarry so he sends Mavis to try and do both Percy's and Oliver's work. This is an adventure for Mavis since she usually just stays up at the quarry.
Upon doing Percy's work she notices that the other engines act strange around her when she tells them that she is doing Percy's work. Thomas finally tells Mavis that they all think that Percy's jobs are haunted. Thomas predicts that since Percy got sick doing his jobs and Oliver got hurt doing Percy's jobs that Mavis is going to have something bad happen to her. Mavis is scared. The next day when her driver tries to get her to go to work, but Mavis won't go for fear that she might get hurt while doing Percy's Haunted Jobs. What will Mavis now do?
Hope you enjoy the episode and be sure to stop by and check out our Facebook page. Come back next Thursday for Episode 11 - Gordon & the Farmer's Visitor.
Watch the episode below!
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