Hope you enjoyed our rescue crew adventure with Oliver last week. This week we get another adventure with another great western engine. This week Duck gets a chance to see what it's like to be a real duck in our next adventure. It's entitled "Things in Water"
In this episode Duck is getting ready to take a train of fish from his branchline down to the harbour to go with the flying kipper to the mainland. Duck is waiting with Oliver in the yard when Henry comes in. They all talk about the time that Duck ran into the back of the flying kipper in a Season 4 episode entitled "Fish" Duck still doesn't like fish. Later Duck takes the train from the branchline to the docks.
While Duck is heading down his branchline Henry goes to the docks to take the flying kipper. On the way his axles feel stiff so when they reach the docks his driver oils them. The oil runs down Henry's wheels and makes the tracks slippery. No one is aware of it though. The docks is also full of rolling stock so the only place for Duck to stop is the quay. Duck goes to stop on the quay, but slips on the oil and can't stop and goes sliding into the ocean. Poor Duck.
This episode is similar to Percy takes the plunge. I wrote it kind of as a joke about Duck's name and how ducks swim in water. Hope you enjoy this episode and be sure to come back next Thursday for an adventure with James and Percy in "Quarry Trucks"
Watch the episode below!